****New information Available Check Out All the Tabs – As of September 25th*****


Hometown: Cincinnati

Years living in the district: Over 35 years

Education: Walnut Hills High Scholl and the University of Cincinnati

Job: Insurance Industry Executive

Do you have children: Yes; Do they attend public schools? Out of school

What do you think is the district’s greatest strength:
The quality of our students and educators are the greatest strengths of Forest Hills School District.

In what 2-3 areas would you like to see the district improve over the next 5 years:
Parents being involved in their child’s education and explaining district finances in terms the tax payer can relate to, kitchen table finances.

How would you work to improve communications and culture throughout the district and with parents and families:
Provide parents with the comfort of knowing they can question the curriculum of their child without fear of retaliation from wanting to know how the subject matter is presented. Is it being presented in a fair and balanced way. Parents should have the right to opt out of controversial topics if they feel it is not being presented in a balanced, unbiased manner.

What is your stance on critical race theory? Does it belong in the schools?
Critical race theory is a controversial issue that is very politicized.
This topic needs to be age appropriate, related to the curriculum and presented in a balanced, unbiased manner. Critical race theory in its present form is not age appropriate and should not be presented in a K-12 classroom environment.

What is your stance on social and emotional learning? Should it be taught in schools?
I believe it is important to prepare our students to learn social skills and to be critical thinkers. I trust our parents and teachers are already doing that inherently. The Ohio Board of Education has established certain standards for Social Emotional Learning based on grade levels and as long as these standards do not fall outside the purview of any existing FHSD policy, I will support those standards.

What do you think is an appropriate way to approach sex education in schools?
Sex education should be age appropriate and discussed in the context of how the human body develops as a child grows older.

Do you think the expansion of school vouchers in Ohio will have a positive or negative impact on students? Why?
School vouchers will have a positive impact on students because it allows the parent and student the choice of attending the school of their choice. One that aligns with their values and provides the curriculum that supports the type of learning materials and environment that parent / student prefers.

Will you be in favor of raising taxes to support the school district?
To have a vibrant community you need a school district that produces well rounded citizens that will positively impact the community after graduation. When and how a decision is made to raise taxes to support a school district depends on several factors that require an in-depth evaluation. I am in favor of supporting a school district that delivers well rounded citizens that will bring a positive impact to the community in the future in a fiscally responsible manner.